
Man in the Moon

By: Belinda Mae Young

Do you ever dream,
Stay up at night wondering what could happen the next day?
Do you see the stars
and wish you could just grab one and keep it?
Do you see the moon
and talk to the man that lives in it?

Does he answer?
What does he say?

Why do you stay up and dream?
Do you not know what you want?
Is something on your mind and just won't go away?
Is there something like that star you want to have?

Is the man in the moon that someone you want to talk to and be close to?
Why, then, is it if you wonder these things you never try to get them?
Are you afraid?
Or is it that one night you looked at the stars and one just faded away.
Or is it that one night the man in the moon didn't answer you.

If this did happen,
Why do you still dream?
Why do you still stay up and wonder?
Why do you still look at the stars?
Why do you still talk to the man in the moon?

Is it that someone or something is still there?
But it was that something's star that burned out
And it was that person that stop talking to you.

Whatever it is, I want you to know...
I can't give you the stars but you can keep me and I will keep you.
I can't sit in the moon at night, but I can listen and I will answer.
Let me be your stars and your man in the moon.
Because I will never fade away, and I will never stop answering you.