To One in Paradise

By: Edgar Allen Poe

Thou wast that all to me, love,
For which my soul did pine-- ...


By: Edgar Allen Poe

I dwelt alone
In a world of moan ...


By: Carl Sandburg

I asked professors who teach the meaning of life to tell me,
what is happiness. ...

A Red, Red Rose

By: Robert Burns

O my luve's like a red, red rose.
That's newly sprung in June; ...

Rose Aylmer

By: Walter Savage Landor

Ah, what avails the sceptred race;
Ah, what the form divine. ...

Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening

By: Robert Frost

Whose woods these are I think I know;
His house is in the village, though. ...


By: Robert Frost

Out through the fields and the woods
And over the walls I have wended; ...

Proud of my Broken Heart

By: Emily Dickinson

Proud of my broken heart, since thou didst break it.
Proud of the pain, I did not feel ‘till thee. ...

The Rose of Sharon

By: Solomon

I am the rose of Sharon,
and the lily of the valleys. ...

I Sing

By: Emily Dickinson

I sing to use the waiting
My bonnet but to tie, ...